Scale Your Customs Business Today With Dexter IDP

Creating customs declarations has never been so easy. Simply upload invoices, packing lists, delivery notes and other customs documents to Dexter. He will do the rest, while you can focus on more value-adding tasks.

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Customs Know-How

Dexter eliminates the shortage of skilled workers as well as manual data entry due to his customs know- how in creating customs declarations.

Quick Deployment & Wins

Dexter is integrated with little to no effort from your side, while saving you between 3-90 minutes per customs case from day one.


Dexter takes over the process from raw customs documents to submission-ready customs de- clarations for authorities created with versatile precision.

Flexible Extensibility

Process any kind of document you like, today invoices, tomorrow way- bills, from small to big volumes, no matter the size, nor the language!

Why Choose Dexter IDP?

Dexter is an end-to-end solution in creating customs declarations by intelligently processing customs documents. Let us explain why we fit your needs.


Data Extraction

Dexter reads from and already understands a wide range of customs documents. However, you can create your own extraction models.

Data Normalization

Dexter makes sense out of extracted information, matches information with master data and aggregates information from multiple documents.

Data Validation

After data is processed, Dexter checks the extracted data for its validity and will give you notice if e.g. weight information is inconsistent.


Dexter sends data in the format you need, either via webhook, email or SFTP - or you use our integrations to Dakosy, AEB and LDV.

Variabilize Your Fixed Costs, Face Growth Scenarios and Seasonalities!

Your customs employees complain about too much work, but a team increase is not possible due to not enough business to cover the salary of an additional customs specialist or due to the uncertainty to suddenly have 50% less work in the next month?! What to do with the overhead of skilled workers who suddenly feel bored?

No problem at all! Dexter IDP is the quiet but very efficient and flexible colleague your customs employees and your business have always asked for. You can upload 200 customs cases at once, 500 customs cases today, and 100 customs cases tomorrow. Dexter adapts to your needs and does not care about different volumes. All the robot cares about is providing the requested support!

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Out-of-the-Box Features

Document Classification

Automatically classifies uploaded PDF documents into respective document types.

Document Splitting

Splits bulk PDFs into seperate files in order to further process them.

Line Item Extraction

Extracts detailled information from a document's line items, no matter how complex they are.

Shipment Info Extraction

Delivers incoterm, means of transportation, packages, weight information and much more.

Stakeholder Extraction

Figures out who delivers to whom. Provides you with shipper, consignee, buyer, applicant, ...

Payment Info Extraction

Extracts payment information and other financial information, such as the customs value.

Web Interface

Use a neat web interface to upload and process your customs documents.

Smart Master Data

Uses information from the document to automatically populate the database.

Master Data Matching

Find missing information, such as correct tariff numbers and stakeholder information.

Address Normalization

Get precise address information, including coordinates, trade treaty info, etc.

Currency Conversion

Normalizes money values from documents to the currency that you expect.

Document Type Codes

Automatically deducts document type codes for the head and the line item positions.

Preference State Deduction

Reads and validates the preference declaration and provides the correct coding.

Other Costs Strategies

Define yourself how to handle additional costs as found on customs documents.

Procedure Detection

Detects whether a case is an import, export or intrastat case.

Custom Notifications

Get notified via email or webhook at certain events, e.g. when the case is processed.


Interact with Dexter via a well-documented API. Your developers will love it.

SFTP Interface

Send and receive files from Dexter via our SFTP interface.

Email Interface

Get PDFs from your clients via mail as attachments? Just forward them to Dexter.

Data Mapper

Map Dexter's data output to the data model that you need within minutes.


Get notified if Dexter notices any inconsistencies in the documents processed.

And Many More Features. With Great Customer Support.

Learn About What We Do

Our solutions help companies do better customs clearance.


We integrate directly with your preferred customs software.

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Our solutions are tailored towards your specific needs.

Customs AgentsForwarding CompaniesIndustrial Companies Read More

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